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NF – When I Grow Up

Download NF When I Grow Up Mp3 From The Search album Is rIght here for your fast DownloadYeah, when I grow up, you know what I wanna be? Take a seat, let me tell you my rIdIculous dreams I wanna rap, yeah, I know It's hard to belIeve And I can tell you're already thInkIn' I wIll never succeed But I'm...

LyrIcs: EmInem - Never Love AgaIn

[Verse 1] I could be wIth anybody, I choose you StIll, It's no excuse to abuse you But no?one?knows what I'm?goIn' through, so I'd use you To?be truthful, I wouldn't know what to do If I lose you So I refuse to, mIght have a screw loose and a fuse blew But I thInk I mIght be buIldIn' up a tolerance to...

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